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[KTAA] Young Soo Choi Student Scholarship Award / KIT Best Presentations by Graduate Student and Postdoctoral Trainee Award

작성자 : 관리자
조회수 : 930

KTAA News and Information


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Dear KTAA members and friends,

We are pleased to inform you that we are now accepting applications for our two prestigious awards, 1) Young Soo Choi Student Scholarship Endowment Award and 2) the KIT Best Presentations by Graduate Student and Postdoctoral Trainee Award. The description of the award and criteria used to select recipients can be found below or on KTAA's webpage.

1. Young Soo Choi Student Scholarship Award

The Young Soo Choi Student Scholarship Fund proceeds will be used to provide a lump sum scholarship for graduate training in toxicology to a student of Korean heritage.

The criteria used to select recipients of the Choi Scholarship are as follows:

  • Applicants for the Scholarship shall be Korean individuals (having been born in Korea or, if born in the United States, having one or more parents of Korean descent).
  • The individual shall be enrolled, or planning to enroll, in a graduate program in toxicology or in a field of biomedical science related to toxicology.

Selection will be based on merit and financial need with consideration given to the following:

  • A description of the student’s graduate program including a summary of any research conducted or planned.
  • Copies of any abstracts prepared by the student for presentations given at meetings of the SOT or other professional Societies (preference will be given to individuals who have given or plan to give a presentation at the SOT Annual Meeting).
  • A brief statement from the student indicating how receipt of the Choi Scholarship will assist in their graduate training.
  • A letter of recommendation from the student’s mentor.

This award is made possible by the Young Soo Choi Student Scholarship Award Fund of the SOT Endowment. The deadline for submission of applications is December 8, 2023.

2. KIT Best Presentations by Graduate Student and Postdoctoral Trainee Award

The Korean Toxicologists Association in America (KTAA) in conjunction with the Korea Institute of Toxicology (KIT) sponsors Graduate Student and Postdoctoral Trainee Awards for Meritorious Presentations at the Society of Toxicology Annual Meeting. The Awards will be presented at our KTAA Annual Meeting and Reception. Up to two winners will receive a plaque and cash award. The competition is open to any current graduate students and postdoctoral trainees.

Each candidate, whose abstract has been accepted by the SOT for presentation at the SOT Annual Meeting, must submit: (1) An abstract of the presentation to be made at the SOT Annual Meeting and (2) A Letter of Nomination from the student's or postdoctoral fellow's major advisor.

The deadline for submission of applications is December 8, 2023.

If you have any questions regarding the awards, please feel free to contact sot.ktaa@gmail.com.

Best Regards,

KTAA Leadership Team

